
SieMatic Colors 05

SieMatic Colors 2021

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Our favorite colors reveal who we are. Colors create atmosphere andOur favorite colors reveal who we are. Colors create atmosphere andinfluence our mood. The right atmosphere inspires and motivates us. It calms us or inspires ourcreativity. So why not use selected shades to create individual and emotional kitchen furniture?Design the room with colors where we spend so much time, where we cook for or entertain ourloved ones and enjoy being together, discuss poignant topics and have less importantconversations, start the day motivated or end it relaxed with a glass. For many people around theworld, the kitchen has always been the center of their home - and not just since home offices andhomeschooling became the new reality.

Creating a magical atmosphere with 1,950 special colors and color compositions to fall inCreating a magical atmosphere with 1,950 special colors and color compositions to fall inlove with.

SieMatic designers compose individual kitchen dreams with almost unlimited design possibilitiesSieMatic designers compose individual kitchen dreams with almost unlimited design possibilitiesof their furniture programs, materials and special colors in velvet matt and high gloss. On1,600 m2, the new factory exhibition shows a cross-section of SieMatic's flexible room planningconcepts. Extroverted kitchen designs vary with subtle, bright and colorful showroom kitchenswith monochrome concepts. Compact kitchens follow generous, open-space solutions. In everyrespect, an emotively wide range of versatility, colorfulness and diversity. The unifying element isthe design quality and the overall, timelessly elegant brand umbrella.A trip to Löhne is of course worthwhile, Corona-compliant of course. The world's largest SieMaticexhibition can also be visited as a virtual showroom.

01 + 02 SieMatic Colors

Fresh, light, and inviting, this composition of a SieMatic kitchen solution open to the terrace is presented in titanium white, sage green, and golden bronze. The back wall in fine frame fronts - anodized aluminum in gold bronze - looks like wall paneling, but provides the necessary storage space with numerous cabinets. The two solitaires in front of the back wall add lightness to the room - the showcase in gold bronze on the left and the tall cabinets in titanium white on the right.
Hidden behind the middle sliding door is the oven and dishwasher when they are not needed. In front of them, in a long axis overlooking the garden, are two islands of the four-award-winning, handle-free SieMatic SLX. It's a pleasure to cook and enjoy the atmosphere.

03 SieMatic Colors

In front of a back wall of tall cabinets with fine metal frame fronts anodized in gold bronze, the SieMatic designers place a narrow display cabinet, also anodized in gold bronze. The side panels are also glazed, giving a clear view of the occupants' favorite pieces. The pull-out cubes in black matt oak and shelves in bronze-tinted glass can be variably placed in the rear wall, which picks up the colour of the front island sage green.

04 SieMatic Colors

Purist design has its own profile. With delicate frames, metallic materials, and nuanced lacquer hues in 1,950 special colors, SieMatic has developed an independent design language for the kitchen. Whether with or without handles: The focus is on the fronts with 6.5 mm narrow frame profiles that contribute timeless elegance to the special atmosphere. 

05 - 08 SieMatic Colors

The four-time international award-winning, handle-free SieMatic SLX shows off its timeless elegance and unpretentious design in the two kitchen islands. The spacious cooking island in titanium white velvet matt is the perfect place to communicate with guests or enjoy the view oftitanium white velvet matt is the perfect place to communicate with guests or enjoy the view ofnature. The recessed grip anodized in gold bronze, reinforced by the LED light strips integratedinto the recessed grip, makes the delicate worktop in 6.5 mm look as if it is almost floating. Thesecond island in sage green velvety matt, one of 1,950 special hues, continues the longitudinal axisand flows into a dining table. Both islands use the expressive SieMatic StoneDesign countertopsin grigio carnico patinato limestone as a style element, in addition to the handle-free SieMaticSLX with its illuminated recessed handles. The use of the expressive stone in two thicknesses isparticularly appealing. The interplay between 6.5 mm and 14 cm height again emphasizes theindividuality of the room design.

09 - 11 SieMatic Colors

SieMatic ColorsNot only does the architecture of this kitchen space thrive on clarity and opening to light, but alsoSieMatic's kitchen composition inspires with its transparency and lightness in combination withwarm, atmosphere-creating colors and materials. The back wall of the kitchen, which is open onthree sides, is formed by two opposing angles with visually appealing depth offsets. The uprightangle with a shallower depth, painted in a velvety matte rose shade, offers plenty of storage space.The horizontal angle in high-gloss pebble gray is cantilevered to the front with greater depth. Itintegrates a generous refrigerator-freezer combination next to the countertop above the SLXpull-out cabinets on the right side. The stately island for cooking and working consists of overdeepSLX pull-out cabinets in pebble gray and opens to the room with transparent display cases.Back panels and plinths are mirrored, top and bottom shelves are pebble gray high-gloss lacquer,and the aluminum profiles are anodized in stainless steel color. Countertops and niche claddingsupport the elegant, homey atmosphere with impressive white fantasy satin quartzite.

12 - 14 SieMatic Colors

The two kitchen units are distributed along the long walls of the passageway space with a strongcontrast of materials and light and dark. A small base unit line of the handle-free SieMatic S2 inLotus White velvet matt with recessed handles in Black velvet matt contains the basic functions ofthe kitchen. Centered above, upper cabinets with delicate frame fronts and surfaces in brushedaluminum black contrast. On the left, a generous high table made of expressive oak planksadjoins.On the opposite side, the SieMatic panel wall system FloatingSpaces in SimiLaque black velvetmatt, which can be individually planned in mm increments, with freely positioned shelves inpebble gray, creates a homely atmosphere. Almost inconspicuously in front of it, a tall cabinetwith electrical appliances is placed directly opposite the dining table, also in black velvet matt.

A warm powder shade in velvet matte combined with stone gray velvet matte creates a feminine,A warm powder shade in velvet matte combined with stone gray velvet matte creates a feminine,homely atmosphere in this SieMatic kitchen design. The base cabinets of the kitchen unitprotrude from the wall with increased cabinet depth and contain everything that ambitious cooksappreciate in a small area. Particularly attractive and high-quality, the expressive countertopmade of high-grade stainless steel in 6 mm look. The entire longitudinal wall of the Loft is joined by a SieMatic panel wall system, painted in a high-gloss powder color. One of 1,950 special colorsby a SieMatic panel wall system, painted in a high-gloss powder color. One of 1,950 special colorsfrom SieMatic's IndividualColorSystem.Placed centrally in the room, on the left side, a tall unit solitaire in plum velvet matt with displaycabinets in black matt anodized. Inside they are painted stone gray velvet matte. The glass istinted smoke gray, minimizes the view.

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